Document Imaging Services

Many businesses have legacy paper documents that are filed or archived away. Frequently, such documents need to be retrieved, in some cases costing several manhours to retrieve the information from a single document or process. In addition, documents are subject to physical damage, such as fires, flood or theft. Finally, if a business-wide audit is necessary, it can be a daunting task to assimilate all old records.

Paper to Digital Importing
ZapDoc will design a Paper to Digital Importing (PDI) process that will not just safely create copies of your business records, they will also create a database assignment procedure that will allow your records to be indexed and stored. Using Microsoft Access Imaging services coupled with proprietary entry methods, ZapDoc will import all your important business documents into secure digital storage.
Data is Keyed and Indexed
Once all your data has been keyed, indexed and stored, you can review and report on the data using spreadsheet analysis and data query methods based in Microsoft Office applications Excel and Access. The physical records will be marked and stored, to be easily retrievable if circumstances warrant.
Work Closely with Your Associates
Your associates play a key factor in the implementation of the project. This will ensure yoor efficiency is maximized all the way around.